"Special mental health" interview with Lucie (La Vie En Lucie), well-being and self-love blogger

Hello Lucie, can you introduce yourself in a few lines?

Hello, I am Lucie, alias La vie en Lucie on social networks: blogger for almost 10 years and now mainly present on Instagram and Tiktok, I share my daily well-being, beauty and midsize fashion tips! At the same time, I am freelance as an influence project manager.

lavieenlucie On your blog and on Instagram, you talk about self-acceptance and kindness, why is this subject important to you?

Due to health problems, I gained more than 25 kilos in 4 years. I was lucky enough to experience this change quite well, and I thought it was important to talk about it, to speak out on these subjects: whether it's the change in appearance, but also the mental health, my bowel problems which ultimately affect many women... Over the course of my speeches, I felt a real interest in these subjects, which were more "useful" than my beauty shares before, I I realized that my speech could really have a positive impact on my community, and it made me want to address even more these themes that are indeed close to my heart.

Today, October 10, is Mental Health Day, a subject that is close to your heart and that you are talking about more and more on social networks. Can you share your story with us?

Indeed, after years of ill-being, I had a depression in 2018. I was lucky to get out of it quite quickly. I was quickly put on antidepressants (with hindsight, too quickly by the way, luckily I was able to get rid of them quickly...!). I was able to stop them after 6 months, and since then I am much better. I realized that the subject of mental health was too taboo in France, yet many people are concerned. I wanted to speak on this subject in particular to reassure the women who follow me concerned: they are not alone and we can get by!

You were able to test our food supplement L'Équilibre, what effects did you feel?

Indeed, before the summer, I tested L'Équilibre . Although I'm better today, I still have moments of down. It was a bit the case in June, so I took the opportunity to try it. I found the product very interesting to regulate my mood: fewer bad mood moments, more energy, more serene in this rush period. I think it's a very interesting product for those who have somewhat complicated phases, to support the body and the mind in these moments of stress/down. Especially on PMS for example for women. It is of course not a miracle product (especially for people who are depressed and who require professional support for more comprehensive care), but I have seen very positive effects on me!


The final word: what are your tips for well-being and self-love?

Above all: listen to yourself. It's something I rarely did before my depression. I was always hiding my feelings/emotions. Today I have learned to accept them, to live with them, to understand them and to regulate them. Take time for yourself of course: it's essential to have a moment just for yourself every day, even a short one. I have been back to sport for a few months and I feel that it does me a lot of good for morale!


Find Lucie, well-being & self-love blogger, on Instagram @lavieenlucie and on her blog lavieenlucie.com

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