10 tips for better sleep

Having a serene sleep and quality sleep is sacred! To put the odds on your side, here are some good practices to adopt.

Regular bedtimes

It is essential for your natural rhythms that you always go to bed and get up at around the same time. This also applies to weekends: we avoid sleeping in!

The siesta, in moderation

A midday nap can have beneficial effects on mood and work performance, if it does not exceed 20 minutes. We avoid after 3 p.m. at the risk of having much less restorative nights.

Move but during the day

Sport creates good body fatigue but practiced in the evening, it activates the sympathetic nervous system which increases alertness and prepares for effort. If you have sleep problems, you reserve the sport in the morning or during the day. You can also favor a gentle practice at the end of the day.

Quiet time before bedtime

It is better to avoid starting an intellectually stimulating activity before going to bed. What works well is writing down what we have left to do for the next day. It allows us to avoid the flow of thoughts that prevent sleep and relieve the mental load.

Dine light

Avoid overeating in the evening. Prefer something light. Also consider nuts, cottage cheese, or fish, which are high in tryptophan, a sleep-promoting nutrient .

Avoid stimulants

Your sleep will be of lower quality if you consume alcohol and you will tend to wake up in the second half of the night. We also avoid coffee, tea, coke, etc.

Turn off screens

Blue light from phones and computers acts like daylight on our body and brain and thus shifts our internal clock. Some applications can reduce blue light, but the best thing is to turn off your devices at least an hour before bedtime.

Reserve the bed for sleep

You therefore avoid making your life there: eating, working, watching a series... By reserving this place for sleep, you condition your body so that it automatically prepares for sleep when you lie down.

Darkness is sacred

If you have to get up in the middle of the night, only turn on a small nightlight, because too bright a light tricks your body into thinking it's daylight and shifts your internal clock. Also try to have as much darkness as possible in your bedroom.

Watch out for overheating

The heat brings restless sleep. The optimum temperature in the room is 18°C.


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