How are Hygée food supplements designed?

By Ehsane Cassam-Chenai

For almost 2 years, we have been designing food supplements of exemplary naturalness, quality and effectiveness, all in an eco-responsible approach. Today, we wanted to show you behind the scenes and share with you the design stages of our formulas.

Efficiency, our 1st concern

It all starts with Régis Meyronet, our scientific expert, doctor, nutritionist and nervous system specialist. He develops our formulas based on all the available bibliography (i.e. scientific research or clinical studies on the ingredients that we wish to use) to choose them carefully and create the best synergies of ingredients and plants. We have chosen adaptogens as the key ingredients of our formulas because they are quite simply the best ingredients to fight against stress and the imbalances it can cause.

We are also always looking to develop complementary products, in order to act on several fronts at the same time, because stress has multiple impacts on a daily basis. This is why all our formulas can be consumed together and why we have designed Packs .

But it is still necessary that these assets are perfectly assimilated by our body (we speak of “bioavailability”). That's why we add superfoods and prebiotics to our powders, for example. We don't add any superfluous ingredients (no excipients) and of course, no controversial ingredients.

Finally, our formulas are designed for real therapeutic effects, and are on average at least 5 times more dosed in active ingredients than existing products on the market. One scoop of Hygée powder contains 3000 mg of active ingredients, we defy you to find as much elsewhere!

This is what allows us to have really effective supplements and such positive customer feedback.

A design in our Drôme laboratory for impeccable quality

All of our formulas are designed in France, in the Drôme, near Montélimar, by a GMP-certified laboratory, an internationally recognized standard. It is not only to be able to say that our products are Made in France, it is above all to promote the know-how of French laboratories, to have reinforced quality control, a reduced environmental impact and true traceability. Our products are tested (and re-tested) in microbiological analysis to ensure flawless quality.

All our formulas are declared to the DGCCRF, the French administration whose mission is to control the marketing of new food products and to ensure the safety of French consumers.

Our organic products are certified Organic Agriculture by Ecocert (the entire Powders range).

An environmental concern

Since our launch, we have taken care of our ecological impact. We try to reduce the production of waste (glass jars and bottles, refillable formats, ecological wadding in our packages).

We also donate 1% of our annual turnover to associations working to defend nature, as part of the 1% for the Planet program.

Happy and serene customers

The end of it all is you. Knowing that we bring you a little well-being every day is the most beautiful motivation. Thank you for your encouragement and testimonials since our launch, they help us grow.
You have never tried our formulas before and you don't know where to start? We recommend La Sérénité , our flagship product. Perfect for calming stress and anxiety!

Serenity food supplement

We are constantly looking to improve and any idea is welcome, please let us know at and on instagram @wearehygee !


Ehsane Hygee lab

Ehsane founded Hygée with the ambition to encourage prevention through natural, gentle, healthy and quality remedies to promote committed and responsible well-being.

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