Which adaptogenic plants to boost libido?
Low libido can be due to several factors. It is often linked to psychological causes (stress, anxiety, depression), hormonal disorders or fatigue. Adaptogenic herbs help the body adapt to stress, they promote energy and act on the nervous and hormonal system. This is why they are allies of choice to boost your libido.
A brief overview of the most aphrodisiac plants.
Native to Asia, it is among the most powerful natural aphrodisiacs. Ginseng allows our body to cope with physical and moral overwork and to regain vitality and well-being. It is a plant that helps to tone the body to regain shape and it is a natural stimulant that acts on both physical and intellectual functions.
Called "divine herb", it was reserved for emperors and great lords and traditionally used in Chinese medicine against impotence and low sexual desire. Ginseng is appreciated for its richness in ginsenosides as well as in vitamins, mineral salts, trace elements and amino acids, which give it its toning, antioxidant and nervous system regulating properties.
To be found in Energy
Nicknamed the "Peruvian Ginseng", Maca is considered the plant of long life. It acts on the hormonal system thanks to the presence of 4 alkaloids. Maca increases sexual performance, it stimulates desire and pleasure and boosts physical energy.
Maca is also useful in women to fight against hot flashes during menopause.
To be found in Energy
Rhodiola has the reputation of stimulating the nervous system, reducing symptoms related to stress and depression and eliminating fatigue. Rhodiola is often attributed the power to increase physical endurance and sexual vigor.
Rhodiola also stimulates the hormones of happiness, endorphins and serotonin, and helps to regain good morale.
To be found in L'Équilibre
Known for millennia in China as wu wei zi, traditional Chinese medicine also calls it “the fruit of love”. Hepatoprotective and adaptogenic, Schisandra reinforces the activity of the organism.
The general action of Schisandra allows rapid improvement of physical and emotional stress. It increases energy for greater resistance to physical and intellectual effort.
A general tonic, Schisandra has been given for centuries to young Chinese people before their wedding night. It is indeed an activator, at the level of the central nervous system, of the five senses: taste, smell, hearing, sight and touch. Its anti-fatigue properties make it an aphrodisiac as popular as Ginseng.
In women, Schisandra stimulates the senses and intensifies pleasure. In men, it supports sexual stamina.
To be found in La Détox
Ayurveda considers Shatavari as a woman's privileged ally, for well-being at all stages of her life, from puberty to menopause. Shatavari means "she who has 100 husbands" in Sanskrit, in reference to the lubricating power of the plant.
Shatavari stimulates sexual desire, making it a natural aphrodisiac of choice. In general, Shatavari has an action on the entire female genital system, which it balances, regulates and strengthens. The consumption of Shatavari would also promote fertility by regulating ovarian function.
During the menstrual cycle, Shatavari regulates blood flow and effectively soothes pain, swelling or headache. It is also very useful during menopause: refreshing, it soothes hot flashes and regulates moods.
The moisturizing action of the plant is particularly appreciated. Shatavari nourishes and tones the skin and mucous membranes and thus promotes lubrication.
To be found in Le Feminin
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