Meeting with Cynthia Hayek, osteopath, yoga teacher and coach

Hello Cynthia, can you introduce yourself in a few words?

I am an osteopath, yoga teacher and coach at Dynamo Cycling. Hyper-active, hyper-curious, I love my multi-faceted daily life!

First trained in osteo in Paris, I then spent 3 years in Montreal where I fell in love with the lifestyle of Quebecers, their passion for sport and the great outdoors. I also obtained a nutrition certification there, which enriches my osteopathic treatment. Following my Canadian experience, I decided to go to Thailand to visit the cradle of manual therapy and obtain a diploma in Thai massage in Chiang Mai. Back in Paris, I moved into an office where I received patients of all ages and from all walks of life, from babies to the elderly, and especially athletes. Concerned about the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders, I also intervene within companies, as an osteopath and trainer. The objective of the training courses that I lead is to teach active people, whatever their fields, how to preserve a healthy body by adopting a good posture at work, and by finding an appropriate lifestyle.

My yoga teacher training and coaching came next, born from my own passion for sport and the desire to make people want to take care of themselves.

Today I juggle between my different jobs. But the reality is that they all have the same goal: to maintain mobility, well-being and a healthy balance.

Why did you decide to turn to yoga? How is it complementary to osteopathy?

I have been practicing yoga for a very long time and it has brought me balance both physically through flexibility, strength, mobility, and in terms of managing my emotions.

I did my very first yoga class following a car accident. A car hit me when I was 11 and fractured my pelvis. Following this episode, I had lower back pain despite my rehabilitation and my mom decided to take me to yoga. I do not hide from you that at 11 years old, it was not love at first sight! But a few years later I came back to it and this practice not only relieved me but also developed a desire to go further in improving my abilities.

In order to bring continuity between the effective treatment of pain by osteopathy and the preservation of well-being over the long term, I decided to pass on the benefits of yoga to my patients. The awareness of one's body that comes from practicing on the mat is an essential power for health.

What does sport represent for you?

Sport is a necessity, a pleasure, an outlet, a means of expression, a passion, a health tool, an opportunity to meet people... In short, sport in all its forms is a considerable source for meeting our multiple daily needs, physical and mental.

You are also trained in nutrition, what role does food play?

Food has an impact on all our functions. Playing sports, sleeping, concentrating, limiting muscle/joint pain, having beautiful skin, good transit…. Each food that you put in your body has properties that can support your needs... or on the contrary cause more of them!

Foods that are too sweet, processed, high in bad fats, will build acidity in the body. This acidity weakens the body, making it more vulnerable to stress and aggression, but also unable to self-regenerate.

On the contrary, thanks to a healthy diet, we can create a favorable ground for our development, for overall health. You can even target specific needs, such as treating headaches, reducing the symptoms of inflammatory pathologies or improving your performance.

How do you manage your busy schedule and your daily stress?

First by the simple notion that I made the choice to have this schedule. I have the immense conviction that if we choose the rhythm of our daily life, we are no longer victims but masters: I have the power to speed up as well as slow down. Above all, if I chose this schedule, it's out of passion for everything I do! Loving what you do removes a first stress.

Afterwards, of course, you have to give yourself the means to maintain such a pace. Me it goes through good nights sleep, a balanced diet and moments for me.

I rarely go to bed after midnight on weekdays, my plates are filled with vegetables and fruits, I often go to the seaside or the countryside, I cherish my family and my friends who are part of this balance.

Do you have morning or evening routines to feel good in your body and in your mind?

In the morning I try not to look at my phone too much. I take my dog ​​out and this allows me to start the day with a walk in a still calm Paris. Then I always take the time to sit down for my breakfast. Starting the day gently with my lover and my dog, it's silly to say like that, but it's worth gold before everything accelerates!

In the evening I have my skin routine which is like a moment to me before going to bed.

You tested Energy that boosts physical performance, what did you think? How did you like to consume it?

I loved putting L'Énergie in my soy latte every morning. The cinnamon flavor goes perfectly with the coffee and I really felt the boost during a very intense back-to-school period!


Find Cynthia on and at Dynamo and Riise

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