Meeting with Maxime Krantz, sports and nutrition coach

Hello Maxime, can you introduce yourself in a few words?

Hello ! I am 31 years old and I am passionate about the capacities of human beings, both physical and mental. Sports coach for 10 years, I also founded a creative agency in the field of well-being, EYE-D AGENCY, a concept of sporting events, BOOMCAMP, and a digital fitness platform, SNACK WORKOUT.

How do you reconcile your Yoga, Pilates and running practices?

Above all, I remain attentive to the needs of my body and my feelings. Although I may have competitive goals in running, which require me to follow certain programming, I use Yoga and Pilates to recover better and to strengthen my body to then perform better. These two disciplines therefore complement running.

Sport is a very important anti-stress ally, what advice would you give to those who want to get (back) into it, who lack time or motivation?

Before even deciding to return to sport, I advise everyone to list the reasons why they want to return to sport. Without looking far: weight loss (if so, what is the goal?), relax, share a moment with your spouse or friends, etc. Then, the choice of sports activity is crucial, it is better to resume sport with an activity that we like at the base! If you want to lose weight but hate running, it is better to go for HIIT or cycling classes, for example.

Start small but steady. When you're just starting out, it's better to do 15-20 minutes each day, rather than just one hour and a half session per week.

Finally, nothing better than sharing this recovery with someone, joining a group or having a training partner. This keeps motivation going for the long term.

You are also a nutrition coach, what is your vision of food?

There is no single perfect diet for everyone, each body is different and according to our environment our diet will evolve over time. This is why I always recommend listening to your body above all: when you have trouble digesting food, when you feel heavy and without energy, what do you put on your plate? just before ? We tend to eat by "reflex", because it's time, because we're stressed, because we're sad... Our emotions shouldn't control the way we eat, but industrialists have understood that this is our weak point, which is why we "crack" more easily on sugary or fatty products when we are not in good shape. Not to mention a vegetarian or vegan diet, my advice is to eliminate processed and ultra-processed products from our diet as much as possible, basically anything that you cannot find in nature (cakes, pasta, chips, etc.). Learn how to cook and consume seasonal and as local products as possible to provide your body with the necessary nutrients.

Do you have daily rituals, to feel good in your body and mind?

I give myself time to read every day, cutting out all other distractions, it allows me to continue learning or just to escape according to the book. When I feel the need, I meditate. I work a lot in visualization, so when I have a specific goal I imagine myself accomplishing it and the feeling it gives me. The most important thing for me is to be active, not a day goes by that I don't play sports. Even if I'm short on time, I'll prefer to postpone a dinner or reschedule an appointment to play sports if I have no choice.

What is your impression of Hygée products?

First of all, I appreciate the transparency and the quality of the products, there are no useless ingredients in the recipes and the formulas are well thought out. The presence of prebiotics helps to take care of our digestive system and optimize the absorption of nutrients.

How do you like to consume them on a daily basis?

I like to work on two cures at the same time, for example Immunity in the morning and Energy in the afternoon, or Concentration in the morning and Serenity at the end of the day. These are the two mixes that suit me best and with which I tour every 3 weeks / 1 month.


Find Maxime on his Instagram account @maximethe1 or his coaching platform @snackworkoutparis

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