Microbiota: why it needs to be pampered!

by Josephine Gorron


This n'is more to prove: our intestine is considereder é like éas our second brain. With 200,000 neurons all along its wall, it is in constant communication with our whole body.

Be aware:

  • 100 trillion bactéries
  • Près of 1,000 spèthose bacté distinct lines
  • An organ that canèas much as our liver or our brain (1to2kg)

We provide food îand food for billions of microorganisms. In échange they perform vital functions for us. Digestion of certain fibers (but not only!), assimilation of nutrients, synthesis of vitamin D, rôthe prépondérant in l'immunitéand digestive healthé, etc. Andça ne s'arrête pas l to ! Our intestinal bacteries would be deeterminating in our happiness. In fact, 95% of the sérotonin (molécle of happiness) is synthesized tisee by our intestinal microbiota.


Maximize your rate of sérotonin grâceto its diet, it'is possible. To do this, limit foods that désébalance the intestinal flora. Among them, refined sugaré and bad fats. No need to become an expert inefood labels, you will find them mainly in ultra-processed productsés.

List of'ingré dients much too long, packaging très coloréand several advertisementsés at the télé… Replace this product. I répè te, REST THIS PRODUCT. This is an ultra-processed foodé!

Favouror t raw products and cook more. Let your imagination run wild!

Want to go further? Here are several foods to eat for happiness therapyrus:

  • Céréfull alesèyour, bananas, lélegumes and nuts. We don't ésine on magnésium.
  • Dates, yeastère, eggs and dairy products, rich in tryptophan to keep the banana!
  • Artichoke, leeks, garlic, asparagus, apples and rye that nourish our microbiota Biotic préare also found in our Hygée!
  • Gherkins, plain yoghurt, olives, sauerkraut and other fermented foodsés to repopulate our intestine.
  • Avocados, nuts (walnuts, almonds, pistachios), rapeseed oil/walnuts, oily fish (sardines, mackerel) are welcome. On to Omega 3!

It n'is not nenecessary d'abuse them or include them all in one and mêmy meal, the réresult would not be at rendezvous


To optimize the composition of your microbiota and your digestive health, adjusting your diet n'is not enough. It'is all of our life hygiene that must êbe adaptée in order to createéer the most favorable groundto our overall healthand our happiness.

The recipe for happiness?

Foods that make you happy (like chocolate, good for morale and health), a dose of méditation, good nights sleep, a touch of madness, good stress management, a pinchée d'exercise and smiles. Sprinkle it with Hygée and enjoy!


Dietitian - Nutritionist in a private practice, Joséphine is also passionate about yoga and meditation. Convinced that taking care of yourself through diet and physical effort are the keys to good health and general fulfillment, Joséphine offers her patients comprehensive support based on mindfulness and respect for the body.


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