Meeting with Mathilde Frachon, communication consultant, model and creative

Hello Mathilde, can you introduce yourself and tell us about your background in a few words?

I was born in Paris and I always wanted to travel and work in fashion.
Fate did it right since at 17 I moved to New York for my modeling career. I was able to explore the world thanks to my work and above all to learn perfectly how this industry works. I then worked as a communication consultant (digital strategy, events) for fashion and beauty brands, with a particular appetite for sustainable brands and "clean beauty". Creative and muse, multi-passionate, I like to wear several hats at the same time and evolve in these areas that fascinate me.

How important is your well-being to you?

For me, well-being is essential, it means being able to give the best of yourself professionally and personally. As I worked young in an industry with a lot of pressure, I had to learn very early to have a daily lifestyle. I quickly became interested in well-being topics such as sport, holistic and natural beauty, nutrition and its effects on the body and mind...I love sharing my wellness advice and my discoveries with my friends and my Instagram community.

What are your daily routines to feel good?

I stretch every morning for 5 minutes, it helps me start the day off right. I also have my beauty ritual every day with my favorite creams and it puts me in a good mood. Right now I use my jade roller every morning, it's super relaxing and really smoothes the skin. I also try to eat everything on a daily basis, but above all nothing processed. As I love sugar, I try as much as possible to eat raw chocolate, for example.

Do you have any tips for learning how to manage stress well?

Through sophrology, I learned to breathe: 5 great inspirations / expirations and the representation of a positive image like the sea works miracles for stress management. I try to turn off my phone at least an hour before sleep to avoid blue light and keep sleep balance. And of course sport twice a week (pilates, yoga or cardio) remains one of the best ways to feel relaxed and fit every day.

You tested Feminine and Serenity, what did you think of them, how do you like to consume them?

I really liked these two products which are now part of my daily life. I use Le Féminin a week before and during my cycle, putting 12 drops a day in a glass of water. I see a big difference, because I have almost no more symptoms like stomach pain.

I use La Sérénité in the evening by mixing the powder with water or herbal tea. I have a real restful sleep and I wake up with energy for the whole day.


Find Mathilde, her daily life and her well-being routines on Instagram

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