A life-enhancing routine is here!

by Josephine Gorron

Why have a morning/evening routine?

Many of us avoid the daily grind at all costs for fear of getting bored in life and in our marriage. And if it was the opposite ? Believe it or not, establishing a routine that suits us allows us to find balance, to flourish and even to achieve great things. If so, test for yourself!

Establishing a morning and/or evening routine has several benefits:

  • A sense of security - routines help structure the day and create a stable foundation for everyday life. Zenitude guaranteed!
  • Energy gain - performing mechanical gestures avoids wasting energy unnecessarily. Less slack during the day, you'll have one hell of a catch!
  • Time saving - no superfluous questions, you know what to do, when and with whom. So you have more time for other activities.
  • A satisfaction - which says routine, says less procrastination and therefore a great feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day. Nothing better than being proud of yourself, right?
  • Flexibility - contrary to what one might think, routines give us greater control over our agenda. Freedom in your free time!

Morning routine to start the day on the right foot

Have you heard of the miracle morning? You know, this very complete routine that everyone has been talking about for a few years. In fact, the morning routine has been around for hundreds of years in Ayurveda, traditional Indian medicine. The principle, to be in control of the first moments of your day and take the time necessary to gently wake up your body and mind.

  • When you wake up, drink a large glass of warm to hot water, preferably to reactivate the digestive system without attacking it. Then brush your teeth to remove overnight toxins.
  • Once or twice a week, pamper yourself! Scrub, mask, manicure, do what you need and what makes you feel good!
  • You can follow up with 20 minutes of yoga, stretching, or more intense exercise depending on your energy. Also take a few minutes to write down your 3 gratitudes of the day. Happiness therapy guaranteed!
  • It's time for breakfast! Depending on your appetite, you can prepare a Beauty Berry smoothie, a mat-chia pudding or even an overnight Beauty, all with a tea or a coffee filled with Energy. Wait until you are hungry enough before eating, your breakfast will only be better for it. If hunger doesn't come, don't force yourself!

And hop, body awake and mind rested, it's already time to get to work...

Evening routine for a night in the arms of Morpheus

End your day in complete Serenity by doing some yoga/meditation, especially if you haven't done it in the morning. Then have a light dinner but adapted to your feeling of hunger. Don't restrict yourself! To aid digestion and prepare the body for sleep, take a liquorice or chamomile infusion. Relax and try turning off screens 1 hour before sleeping.I know it's not easy... but so beneficial for the quality of sleep!

These morning and evening routines are complete but no pressure! Get inspired and create your own habits based on what works best for you


Dietitian - Nutritionist in private practice, Joséphine is also passionate about yoga and meditation. Convinced that taking care of yourself through diet and physical effort are the keys to good health and general fulfillment, Joséphine offers her patients comprehensive support based on mindfulness and respect for the body.


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